"Everything in nature evolves. This process is usually slow, taking millions of years. But every couple hundred millennia or so, an entire species takes a giant leap forward. Currently, 17,500 nuclear warheads on Planet Earth are considered operational and at least 4,000 of them are on hair-trigger alert. The nations of North Korea and Iran are scrambling to add their own warheads to the list. The human race now has but one option for world peace: evolution.
As we venture beyond the end of the Mayan Calendar at the end of 2012, a small percentage of humanity is evolving from an egoic, codependent, emotionally violent, self-destructive state of suffering into a heart-centered, egoless, Self-reliant, creative state of being. Ethereally connected to Gaia, Mother Earth, this burgeoning, spiritually enlight-ened, highly intuitive, and compassionate species of humanity will actualize the protective and balancing nature of the sacred feminine.
Ultimately, there is no way out of these current problems that we face together, only a way through. The way begins and ends with the personal evolution of the Self. Non-conformity to the current system of control through peaceful, spiritual revolution, both individually and collectively, is what is needed now if we are going to move beyond the social injustice, oppression, pollution, poverty, famine, and incessant wars that pervade our planet.
As we learn to honor the body's divine intelligence, an entirely new system of drug-free health care will emerge, as opposed to the disease care model that exists today. The time has come for us to look to solutions from higher levels of intelligence, higher levels of consciousness. Now is the time for us to draw a line in the sand and stand up for our divine Selves, to stop playing the victim as a species.
Your evolutionary journey begins and ends with Self-mastery, through the transformation of the Seven Selves. When you change your 'little me who means nothing to the universe' perspective to an 'I am the center of all creation perspective,' your whole existence and reason for living transforms. You awaken to your relevance, your significance, your duty to life, and you realize that the universe cannot evolve until you do."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, The Next Human

Spiritual Life Coaching: The Next Human Book Synopsis by Jason Lincoln Jeffers
Praise for The Next Human.
"I've read a lot of books that are bestsellers and I want to tell you [The Next Human] outshines all of them."
~ Linda Allen, The Linda Allen Show, A1R Radio
"Jason Lincoln Jeffers has written such an inspirational self help book, The Next Human...One of the wonderful qualities that the book has is how readable...and accessible it is."
~ Caroline Ra, Spirit of the Dawn, BBS Radio
"Everyone please, please buy this book...[The Next Human] was one of the better books I have ever read. And believe me, I am a book worm. I read it over and over again. One of things that jumped out at me...is that...in evolving into this Zero-Point Self...we must A. be willing to unlearn what we have learned and B. must transcend this false ego that society has programmed into us."
~ Curtis Davis, Host of Occult Science Radio
"The Next Human provides a thorough "how to" manual for anyone who is living less than a fulfilled, happy, healthy life full of loving relationships and a sense of purpose."
~ Karen Kan, M.D., Bestselling Author Guide to Healing Chronic Pain
"Jason Lincoln Jeffers...his new book is really great...the way it is written is very beautiful...I love the message for this time in the evolution of humanity...Self Mastery...the Seven Selves...and all the wonderful messages."
~ Cezarina Trone, Host of Quantum Creativity Talk Radio
"The Next Human is one of those great tools in the next few years and beyond to assist people...who are awakening...It is something for everyone to read several times."
~ Jessica Spencer, Author of Rose Colored Glasses, Clear Colored Eyes, Host of Ascension Talk Radio
"Jason Lincoln Jeffers is the author of the powerful new metaphysical book, The Next Human...definitely a must read for everyone...buy many copies and pass them on to your family."
~ Kathleen Martin, Co-Host of Coach Cafe
"This book was amazing...it blew me away...we always hear about the free will...but when I was reading...I gathered that what we thought was free will was really imprisoned will...I know this book was channeled. You've got to get this book."
~ Terryee Abbott, Host of Angel Coaches Talk Radio
"To me the mark of a master...is can this person take something extraordinarily complex and make it super simple? The Next Human, authored by Jason Lincoln Jeffers...has combined volumes of research and...helps make your awakening...a much more simple process."
~ Soul Dancer, Author of Pay Me What I'm Worth
"Buy this book. You will not be sorry that you did...Jason is a wonderful author...I'm so glad this book is out right now...The Next Human...is the most positive, energetic book I've read."
~ Linda Allen, Author of Night of the Witching Moon, Host of The Linda Allen Show
"Such a fascinating read...in addition to learning so much about so many different things...I was so inspired and so optimistic and so hopeful...I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed the book."
~Victor Schueller, Author of Mediocre No More, Host of Positively Empowered Radio
"This book is more than just your average Self Help book. It's more of a Spiritual Guide that'll help change your perspective...of hey I actually am the center of the universe..."
~ Karen Kan, M.D., Bestselling Author Guide to Healing Chronic Pain
"The book is remarkable...I cannot recommend it enough...I really feel like this is addressing the people...that are awakening...that are beginning to become aware of what is happening on Earth..."
~Julie McAllister, Psychic Medium, Host of Empowering You Through Intuition Talk Radio
"The Next Human is a sure to be best seller."
~Jessica Spencer, Author of Rose Colored Glasses, Clear Colored Eyes, Host of Ascended Talk Radio
"One of the most beautiful things about the book is...so much information into a single volume...If you only read one book in 2013...The Next Human should be the one."
~Jeane Adrienne, Author of Reframe Your World: Conscious Living In The New Reality
"The book is like three books rolled into one, the information just keeps on rolling...It is extremely powerful as it guides us into a fast-paced evolution...incredible."
~Jewels Johnson, Host of The Law of Attraction Talk Radio, Master & Certified Hypnotherapist
"The book is brilliant...I got goose bumps...you have to get this book."
~Julianna Lyddon, MC, Spiritual Life Coach
"I couldn't take my attention from the book...it is very practical, simple, and profound in its message."
~Cezarina Trone, Co-host of Quantum Creativity Radio Show, Life & Wellness Coach
"I was very impressed...The book would be a great help to many people who are out there worrying about their future and who are in a low point in their life."
~Colin Knight, Host of Knight Talk Radio
"Jason Lincoln Jeffers has written a beautiful new age spiritual book, The Next Human...the description of [his] kundalini awakening...it's transformative. It sent me to a whole other world. It took me hours to get back...very powerful."
~Caroline Ra, Host of Spirit of the Dawn Radio Show
"I can assure you that as soon as I read the last word, I'm going to go back to the beginning and start all over...that's how great this book is."
~Curtis Davis, Host of Occult Science Radio